Thursday, November 26, 2009

Going out for dinner.need a hair style?

i want a lovely quickk style for my hair, im not going anywhere formal but i want my hair to look nice. any suggestions?

My hair is blonde and brown, quite thick, has layers and bangs and it below my shoulders by like 2cm.

Going out for dinner.need a hair style?

Put it up half way and curl the bottom!

Going out for dinner.need a hair style?;fu...

Going out for dinner.need a hair style?

half ponnytail, with the tail part curled?

up-do with a messy bun

leave it the way it is

make one really big pigtail all the way the the right or left side of your head


Going out for dinner.need a hair style?

I can help more if I knew what you are wearing?

Going out for dinner.need a hair style?

Pull your bangs to the back of your head and pin them back. Then flip the ends up that is a really cute style and it is easy to do.

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